GEN Australia recognises that it as an organisation is just one node in the broader ecosystem of regeneration, nationally, regionally and internationally. With this insight, GEN Australia works to build alliances with like-minded projects, organisations, government bodies and networks, in order to build the movement of regenerative low-impact living. We are a learning organisation and continue to expand our perspectives and embrace innovative solutions, across different disciplines.
Within GEN
The Global Ecovillage Network envisions a world of empowered citizens and communities, designing and implementing pathways to a regenerative future, while building bridges of hope and international solidarity.
Global Ecovillage Network of Oceania and Asia (GENOA) has been evolving continuously, striving to create a dynamic community network that effectively bridges the ecovillage realms spanning Oceania, South Asia, East Asia and South-East Asia.
Affiliated organisations
Planning Sustainable Solutions assists communities and individuals to realise their sustainable development initiative, project or dream.
Co-Creating Community Lives is an organisation that offers specialist community development services. Through workshops, consulting and advocacy we help individuals form intentional communities while partnering with governments, developers, planners and builders to understanding the benefits of implementing collaborative solutions.
Organisations with which partnernships are forming
Permayouth is a global youth-led movement of positive & practical activism. From refugee camps to ecovillages, collectively we want to make a regenerative change in our communities and believe that permaculture is the way to do it.
Eco Villages Australia is a non-profit organisation that provides the legal and financial model to create collaborative housing eco-communities for small groups of people (5-25).
The Permaculture Education Institute is the only place in the world you can do both your Permaculture Design Certificate and Permaculture Teacher Certificate together online
Polkadot is a collaboration of architects, designers, academics, builders, community organisers, sociologists and event specialists who do philanthropic work in the broader community. They work to help inspire, educate, connect, and create the tools to build the kinds of sustainable communities the wider population would like to live in.